Boghos NUBAR Pacha was born in Constantinople on August 2, 1851 and died in Paris on June 25, 1930. He was a great philanthropist and devoted advocate of the Armenian cause.
As from 1906 he was behind the creation of the “Union Générale Arménienne de Bienfaisance” U.G.A.B. (General Armenian Charity Association), a charitable association still flourishing today and which assignments are essential for the Armenian community.
After the 1915 genocide, he devoted an important part of his personal resources to the after-care in favour of the survivors by organizing a network of orphanages and health centers in the Near-East.
In 1907, his daughter Eva Zarouhi was married to a Belgian diplomat, the Count Guillaume d’ARSCHOT SCHOONHOVEN. She also contributed to the creation of a private Foundation acting under the Belgian law, entitled: “Oeuvre des Boursiers Arméniens” (Armenian scholarship charity) founded in Brussels (Belgium) in the year 1924.
The Foundation’s objective is to contribute to the intellectual development of young people, Armenians or from Armenian origin, holder of a Magna Cum Laude Master II degree or equivalent, who wish to submit a doctoral thesis or start a complementary specialization in a university or a recognized higher education institute.
The Foundation grants annual additional bursaries of maximum 5.000 Euros each.
The Foundation’s board of Directors consists of two direct descendants of Boghos NUBAR Pacha, two university professors and three personalities of Armenian origin. The Foundation may receive donations and legacies and build up a patrimony which revenues serve to reach its statutory goal.
The scholarships requests are written in English or French and should be addressed, by post or email, to the Foundation’s Office of Secretary, with a copy of the required degrees. The board of Directors gives a special attention to the studies intended to contribute to the blooming of Armenia or of Armenian culture.
The registration forms so as the general regulations of the Foundation are available, on simple request, to the Secretary Office or by clicking on the following links: